When you connect with us, you connect with an outstanding reputation for safety - based on a proven track record. Safety is our greatest priority. As such, we're continually investigating new ways to refine and improve our systems. Things like workgroup engagement, education through company culture, and continually upgrading safety systems to keep us ahead of the game and at the highest level of industry standards.
Other areas we focus on to improve safety systems include:
• Selection & Retention of Highly Skilled Industry Personnel
• Ongoing In-house Development and Site Implementation of
Safe Work Procedures
• Specialised Equipment with the Highest Standard of Maintenance
• Fundamental Safety Planning for each Project Scope and Communication to Workgroups
• A Workplace Culture free from Substance Abuse
• Grass Roots Approach to Safety Improvement and Initiative.
In fact, ECP has not recorded a single Lost Time Incident in within our last 1.2million man-hours.